The Value of Forté Business Travel Solutions in Account Management

The cost of travel is the second largest expenditure for many corporations today. We understand that this is your directive and your mission, along with providing efficient and safe passage for your company's executives and staff as they travel the globe to conduct business.

We also understand that a successful travel management program has many essential components that must be finely balanced, including: strong supplier negotiations, consolidated management reporting, travel policy compliance, flexibility, and perhaps most importantly, personal service. Now, let's add in the changing face of technology. Today, the Internet and advanced automation tools have, no doubt, brought greater efficiencies to the travel management process. But, Internet-based travel companies simply can not provide you with a dedicated travel agent in your city who understands the specific challenges, culture and practices of your local marketplace. So, when it comes to managing business travel, your best partner is still a professional travel management company.

Through Forté BTS, we bring you not just one of the leading corporate travel management companies, but a professional network of top agencies in 30 countries around the globe. All working together to help your firm's employees connect with key players in your industry... and supporting your company to better compete in today's global marketplace by implementing and maintaining a cost-effective, flexible, integrated travel management program.

Here are some of the management assets that Forté BTS TMC's will provide to your company:

  • Tailored travel management program based on your company’s travel needs and business objectives
  • Unsurpassed supplier program to maximize your company’s cost savings
  • Seamless multi-national travel consolidation across frontiers with a consistent, integrated and personalized high quality service
  • Greater travel policy compliance at the point of sale through enhanced booking travel options

The bottom line? If you're looking for a global consolidated travel management program that increases operating efficiencies at a local level through highly personalized service, Forté is the right choice.

TWIN is here to help

Turn to TWIN. We’ll do the work for you,
with rock solid reliability…and you’ll get all the credit.



Global Travel Assistance


Days of Unbeatable Service


Complete Peace of Mind

 71 Audrey Ave, Oyster Bay, NY 11771
 516-624-0500 ext:5072

 516-624-0500 ext:5072

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